The Programme Committee invites proposals for participation in the 2019 CPSA Annual Conference. This year's theme is All Sides of Things: Speaking Truth to People. At a time when those who enjoy positions of power and influence seem increasingly bent on distorting reality to suit their purpose and on presenting untruths as incontrovertible facts, the Programme Committee wishes to encourage participants to ponder the social responsibility political scientists have to speak plainly and to contribute to public debates armed with solid evidence (rather than ideological proclivities). The theme refers as well to the notion of public participation and to making our research results accessible to the largest possible number of people. Finally, All Sides of Things: Speaking Truth to People conveys as a corollary the twin ideas of diversity and inclusion, not only as objects of research, but also as a way of doing research (diversity of methodologies, approaches, theoretical and conceptual frameworks). In what way can we change or adapt our intellectual practices to reflect the variety of analytical visions that are available? Panels and papers addressing these and related issues are particularly welcome.
The 2019 CPSA Annual Conference is held within the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (Congress). With the theme Circles of Conversation, "Congress 2019 in Vancouver will emphasize the deep, two-way relationships between the university and the communities it serves: local, provincial, national, and global." The Programme Committee also welcomes panels and papers that relate to the Congress's theme.
Within these broad parameters, roundtables and posters that focus on Indigenous peoples or Indigenous politics will be especially welcome. Vancouver is an apt location for an increased emphasis on Indigenous politics within the CPSA and Canadian political science more broadly, and the CPSA's ongoing focus on Reconciliation through the work of the CPSA Reconciliation Committee and other initiatives.
The Programme Committee proposes workshops that focus on specialized themes of interest to political scientists. Some of the workshops also address themes at the intersection of political science and other disciplines. These workshops are summarized HERE.
Annual Conference of the International Studies Association (ISA) Canada Region
ISA-Canada is proud to host its annual conference in partnership with the CPSA. For the fourteenth consecutive year, ISA-Canada will co-organize with the CPSA the International Relations section of the 2019 Annual Conference. ISA-Canada encourages its members to submit proposals on areas of interest in the study of international relations. ISA-Canada is a region of the International Studies Association (ISA), the premier international association of international relations scholars. 
Canadian Association of Programs in Public Administration (CAPPA)
CAPPA will be co-organizing the Public Administration section. CAPPA and CPSA jointly encourage scholars of public administration and management to consider submitting proposals and attending the conference. 

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